I dunno what's wrong with me..the last post i was talking bout my craving on pizza...now on ice-cream..
Ok..as u all might know, every 31st of the month, Baskin Robbins will be giving out 31% discounts on hand-packed ice creams....Tempting huh?
I know it's like freaking expensive...but not like i'm eating it everyday right...once in a blue moon...hehe...To be frank, I've not had any Baskin Robbins in this year..
I took a split second to think on whether i should fork out my money on the ice cream,which would nearly cost the same as 3 full meals or save it for other purposes...hoho...should I...or should i not....should i take pint or quart...Owh i can't afford half gallon...Finally i made my mind to cater my taste buds.....but i chose to take pint...i noe i wouldn't be able to finish the entire handpacked ice-cream in one sitting...
I stored it first in my mobicool refrigerator before i went to take a bath...taking my time to indulge the marvellous piece of dessert...
Thanx to mobicool,i can still keep the ice-cream for tomorrow...
In order to get the full taste and texture of the ice-cream,I eat it in slow motion,taking bit by bit,enjoying the moment of indulgence...Ich kann nur sagen,SEHR LECKER!!!
All-in-all, the mix flavours really hit the spot. My gosh it was so mouth-watering....
The flavours were
Chocolate Mousse Royale®
A light chocolate ice cream with chocolate royale flavor bursts and a mousse-like texture.
Maui Brownie Madness
Chocolate Frozen ice yogurt with chunks of brownie and macadamia nuts, ribboned with chocolate fudge.
gosh, ice cream!
ReplyDeletei just had maui brownie two days ago. ;p
wah wah wah!!!!
ReplyDeletebencilah nabeyl ni!menggemokkan i la ni...tgk i dah tempted nak mengempiskan begduet!!
not a big fan of baskin,tp jenama kedai jiran tingkat atas dia kat mid,tp itu bukan soklan utama,soklan utamanye mana nak beli peti ais kecik tu?
nak nak nak!!
to mel:
ReplyDeleteKan..best sngt kot..dahla maui brownie low fat..xla membonceetkan sngt
to rainbeau:
Jom gemoekan diri bersama-sama...Mobicool tu my dad tukar untuk reward points la...if im not mistaken from realrewards or his credit card points...besh kan..tp it was meant to be use in the car...so i guna transformer untuk tukar guna kat hostel...kerajinan kan...
Pesal tak mention yg aku temankan kau beli har?? thx to Rumitha, u were able to satisfy ur taste buds.. keh3.. (",) dah lar i sacrifised my precious time just to teman u and make my mouth water for no reason kan.. phew..niway hari tu lupa nak bagi tau.. comeyl lar jugak kau punya tinieeeey wineeey fridge tu.. but itz a bit toooo small i guess...k lar k lar jom masuk kelas.. bubye nw bubye...hahak.. :)
ReplyDeleteowh aiskim mahal... aku pnh mkn skali je time skolah dulu... skang aku mkn aiskim singgit giant je
ReplyDeletehuaaa...(nanges cam upin n ipin kene lempang)!! its so tempted..
ReplyDeleteperggh...mmg mouth waterring tul..
cam nk geget2 je jarik nie...
yg pling ewan jeles tu = mobicool!!!
gempak gile..nk 1 leh??
to rumitha:
ReplyDeleteHehe.thanx rumitha.nak cepat post jerla..bnyk benda lagi nak blaja for calculus..konon kan...sdgkan dah give up awal2..my chomeyl refrigerator...syg kamoe..
to heretic preacher:
Haha...aku pown makan ice-cream giant tu..sedap gak..xde mkn semalam sebab kempunan sngt...duit dah skit gedik nak makan mahal2 kan..insaf dah..
to hazwan:
Haha..pashi pashi...mobicool tu mmg kesayangan...tp die untuk cooling jer..bkan freezing..so letak ice-cream pown cair tp tetap sejuk..mcm minum yoghurt yg sedap banget plak...
argh~ sucks to b in India. their BR here dun have the 31% discount like back home. hahaa i love the choc mousse royal~ =) and then got another one with caramel.. watever tat is =)
ReplyDeleteice cream... huhu sedap nya...nak makannnnnn!!!!
ReplyDeletesedap gilerrrrr.
ReplyDeletesaje nak menunjuk ice cream!!!
dush you!
aiyo.japg nak kuar trus cr aiskrim jugak la.huhu
ReplyDeleteto aaronng88:
ReplyDeleteHaha..sorry to hear that..nevermind..once u get back to malaysia...enjoy baskin puas2.
ReplyDeleteyer..tempting kan..masa tgk tu pown cam sngt teruja..tahu duit xde tapi x tahan...
mmg sedap giler kot..
mmg motif utama nak jealouskan u..Muahaha...yes berjaya
to k.A:
siot kau, aku baca dengan bunyi bunyi dari mulut sendiri slurp slurp slurp. kau tahu kan kat kedah belum ada baskin robbins. AKU KATA BELUM OKEH, NANTI ADA AH TU. *harapan. TAPI MEMANG AMCAM SIOT AH KAU, KALAU AKU JADI RUMET KAU, AKU CURI CURI BUKAK APA NAMA PETI SEJUK KAU YANG NAMPAK MACAM VAKUM TU, AKU BUKA DAN HABISKAN SEMUA. DENGAN EPAL EPAL SEKALI.
ReplyDeletelahai kat jemen ni eskem cmtuh murah2 gile kot.
ReplyDeletexyah a beli slalu.
kat sini makan puas2.
siap bole rase muak lg.
Anak ku Nabil.
ReplyDelete"Ich kann nur sagen,SEHR LECKER!!!" to you again..!!
Anyway I know, u really enjoy eating ice cream ya..sampai melelh kat dagu...hahaha!
In the old days going back 48 yrs ago..(masa 2, ayah was around 3 or 4 yrs old), a slice of 'ais krim potong' or 'ais krim tikam' cost only '5 duit' or 5 sen (Kedah people say 5 duit). For '2 kupang' or 20 sen..4 person boleh makan!!
Murah nyerrrr.....!!
The ais krim taste mushy and at that time...was the best ais cream in the whole world...and it was either in snow white atau merah hati!!
Coming to the best part..buying the ais krim!!
After paying '5 duit', ayah kena press a button, and ..... whirllll.... an arrow will spin around! The number of ais krim potong that I get will be determined where it stopped. Hahaha! Kalau arrow tu berhenti kat number 2 or 5 or 7....wow....raya sakan la hari tu!! But slalu nyer, the arrow will stop at 1...huhuhu...
But next day the air krim man will come again, and this time around.. somehow... when i 'tikam'(press the button)....the arrow stopped at number 3!! Yes, it was my day, or was it the ais krim man did something to make the arrow stopped at #3... does not matter to me... life goes on.... and we keep buying ais krim until today...Long live ais krim..!!
to iz:
ReplyDeleteHaha...malangnye transformer untuk mobicool tu rosak..cis..nak kena tukar..mari bersama-sama berdoa kedah ada baskin robbins dan jco serta big apple..amin..
to kesten:
Haha..tahu2..insyaallah akan belajar dgn gigih untuk ke germany..mari gemoekan diri dgn ice-cream..
to ayah:
Woh2..ayah paham ke ayat german tu..best banget..tahu ice-cream dulu murah sngt...jealous...
sekarang yg maen tikam2 tu..bola2 mystery kegemaran iz dan tyn je..haha..ICE CREAM forever!!!
i dont really fancied chocolate ice cream.. i prefer something more fattening, like caramel praline, macadamia nut, uhh.. and topped with caramel sauce and almond flakes.. emm.. ugh, it feels better than orgasm (as if i can!!). shit i need to get some tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteto izreekai:
ReplyDeleteHaha..yay berjaya to influence one more person in eating baskin robbins...baskin should give me free ice-cream or incentives..right..