Zharin initially planned to come back on thursday,but unfortunately there was no more bus available...Kesian..So he had to gamble on the next day to get a bus back here.Me, on the other hand,was studying all night to prepare myself for a chemistry exam I have to take on the next morning..konon burn the midnight oil la kan.
Got back from College at 11.30,went straight to the lobby to get together with my friends to finish our editing on the English documentary assignment.Boring...After the Friday prayer,my dad came to pick me up.Got home at about 4.Went straight online to chat with Zharin...We have planned earlier to meet up and catch a movie...but there was a change in plan as Zharin had an early curfew....Seconds-minutes-hours passed by, still we haven't decided where we wanted to meet up.
Suddenly, Zharin came up with this BRILLIANT idea to go jogging at Tasik Shah Alam.I immediately said YES..Haha..I am suffering from the "OMG,I'm getting fat" phase..so yeah..
Its actually a good thing that I'm gaining some weight but belly fat is not as cute as some people said it is.Morever, the two of us have not been jogging for quite some time.So, that was a great idea.
Exhausted with panda-tired eye bags due to not getting enuff sleep, I made my way enthusiastically to Shah Alam to pick Zharin up.
I planned to go jogging with a green shirt on...Turn out to be, Zharin was thinking of the same theme...GREEN...hoho...
Instead of going to Tasik Shah Alam,we just passed by that place and decided to go somewhere else in exchange, SACC MALL.As if like we're gonna jog in the mall kan...We changed the venue because that place was packed with people and Zharin was wearing a pair of boardshorts...as is SACC mall is not packed with people...
We did what teenagers do best...LOITERING and LINGERING...Owh and Zharin was finding ankle boots for his model...very interesting...Sadly he didn't find any...So xper...Cam whoring was our next big thing on the list "Mari bergembira di SACC MALL"...Enjoy the photos!
Optical illusion...or was it just him being lithe
No...it's not me..I am yu..He is mee..eh..rush hour script..
Boxing vs Eye-poking...
Bila Larut Malam...tarakucha...tarakucha
Crazy pose
Tunku Abdul Rahman....the malaya hero...
haha...nice :D
ReplyDeletehehehe terer giler kawan u pose tu..hehehe anyway baju u teww i ada..simpan dlm closet i heheheh
ReplyDeleteu p jogging ker??? awat pakai jeans??? heheh sempat balik umh ekk?
to ryzal
to pheez
haha..ada gak..chomeyl kot kaler tu..x gi jogging...i ada physic power..dah taw xkan gi jogging..so pki la jeans terus..konon kan..
mana lah gay gay semua tak terpanggil nak bergay dgn kau. banner blog DAH LAH WEH.
ReplyDeletewey korang gi lepak kat information booth la... senang aku nak tanye jalan lagi nanti muahahaha
ReplyDeletewhy posted gamba kat elevator tuh!!
nabil it was ur fault kte x pegi jog.
sape suh pakai jeans!
i dont care bout wearing those shorts...
To heretic preacher:
ReplyDeletegedik kan...bukan orang shah alam pown..zharin tu budak shah alam..expert..haha..konon
to zerronemo:
eh gambar kat elevator paling menarik..eleh xnak ngaku it's ur fault..konon je..i sker kot pakai jeans..tutup aurat..humma2
hahahaa your pictures are hilarious!!! And since when going to jog require you to go to a mall.. ???? hahahahhhaah!!!!
ReplyDeleteNice to see you having so much fun, Nabyl!
Anyway, break a leg(good luck) with your exams! :D
Take care!
haha cumel suar member awk
ReplyDeletesweet gitu...hehe