You can make your best friend think the whole world has been struck with amnesia and forgotten his or her birthday, until a bunch of his or her friends jump out of nowhere and shout, "Happy Birthday" while things are being thrown at him or her...
Humma2.That was the kind of surprise birthday party i received on the eve of my Birthday!!!Seriously unpredicted that things would get that "SUPERB"...I did have this suspicious thought that my college mates were hiding something behind my back.But they were very good in keeping it a secret and acted out as if nothing was going to happen.
We were at the Mamak stall on Tuesday when we discussed about my birthday celebration...They said "Nabil, we have lots of homework...can we just celebrate ur birthday on friday or during the weekends.I said "It's okie,we have lots of homework...chemistry physics german bla bla bla.
On Wednesday, the day before my birthday, nothing much happened, i got back from college,exhausted and went straight to the bed.At 9,we planned to have our chemistry group discussion at the lobby.I waited for them and went online at the same time.Few minutes before the clock strike 12 am, my friend Wee Han wished me Happie Birthday.Ting Tong,12 am, Aida called me to wish me Happie Birthday...few messages came in with birthday wishes...
Suddenly,Ina came to the lobby holding something behind her back...I was like "Ina ape benda kaw pegang tu" trying to get away from her...Ina replied "Air aku la...kaw gelabah sangat apesal".Haha...I recalled back the moment when Shun Ling got soaked with cold water,milo and carbonated drinks by the boys...I continued doing my homework when out of the blue, cold water rushed down my face...Ina kaw mmg nak kena...Omg...Then a whole bunch of my friends jump out from god knows where and flung FLOUR,OIL and more COLD WATER..I repeat FLOUR,OIL and COLD WATER...
Owh..the worst is yet to come...They passed this brown box to me saying it was my birthday if...I kept on asking them what is inside the box while shaking it whole-heartedly to guess the content within...I opened the box slightly but threw it on the floor as soon i saw something freaky freaky...
OH MY GOD!!!I opened the box and got the shock of my life...MR FROGGY!!!Arghh!!!Keeping myself far enuff from MR FROGGY,I shouted "Jahat gler korunk..aku dah la geeli kat katak" Eiii....
To make the story short and str8 to the photos....
My friends gave me a slice of secret recipe's Black Forest cake...they bought 3 regular Pizzas from Domino's and gave me a cute handmade birthday card with dried rose on it..sngt innovative.We had the birthday party in Shikin's room..The funny part was that I had to sit on few sheets of newspaper to prevent my Flour-rie arse from dirty-ing Shikin's room....We had tremendous FUN!!!

Flour-rie face

The moment of truth

I was covered with flour,oil and cold water....fuh..

Favourite pic

Facial treatment using flour and oil

Me between Shikin and Matilda

I'm a Star!!!

Yeay....I got my bday present!!

Guessing the content of the box

Aren't we just cute...


Rumitha and I

Shikin and I

Imran and I


Everyone took turns


Focus on the face...i've eaten too much

Domino's Pizza

Happie Birthday Nabeyl
Mein Gott - das war vielleicht eine Überraschung, oder??? Wie lange hat es gedauert, bis Shikins Zimmer wieder sauber war??
ReplyDeleteLiebe Grüße an die ganze Gruppe aus dem Saarland!
Mehl war immer beim Geburtstag in CP..ich weiss nicht warum ist das so..hehe. viel gluck zum geburtstag.
ReplyDeleteTo Frau Pfeiffer:
ReplyDeleteHaha....Das war eine Grosse Ueberraschung!!!Wahrlich!!!Wir haben Shikins Zimmer und die Halle bis 2.30 in der Nacht aufgeputzt..nur danach konnte ich mich waschen...Ich bin zu spaet schlafen gegangen..und den nachsten Tag hatte ich Unterricht von 9 bis 4.30...Sehr Kaputt!!!Aber sehr zufrieden und froh...
To Ahmad:
Ich weiss es auch nicht so genau warum es so geht...Danke fuer deinen Wuensch!!!
Dear Anak ku.
ReplyDeleteWonderful look like kuntilanak...hahaha..what with all the whitish look..the best part have wonderful friends around you, very thoughful of them to remember your birthday & took great effort to throw a unique celebration in a fun-filled way. And....And the way u narrated the event was so vivid & alive...I felt I was there too! And I can't stop laughing from the moment I saw those pics...I think I continued to see the funny side of it even in my sleep...hahaha..hikhikhik...!
- Ayah
Haha..thank you so much ayah for the brilliant comment...I'm so grateful for having this group of friends whom i can really get along with...Alhamdullillah..
ReplyDeleteerm.....byk nye bahasa jerman ni
ReplyDeleteleyh share hostel eh?
mak aih
ReplyDeleteit is your actual father
cool dowh ur dad
ckp kat dia
i nak bapak sorg camtu
mana leyh beli?
to reez:
ReplyDeleteHaha..semangat kan my lecturer yg dah balik germany pown nak comment...syg dia..
my dad semangat masa mula2 jer..skang x dah...