I would say both!!!
Why u might ask?
Since last year, I've been wanting to buy a new mobile phone to take along to Germany if i even get the chance to further my studies there. But i thought of buying it this year...not now though.haha...maybe later...Cuz i need to buy laptop,camera and hard disk as well...so im waiting for the price to drop to what i can afford...
To tell you the truth, I don't really mind if the phone got stolen or snatched or lost in transmission or wutsoever...This is because the phone is already a lil bit crazy since the countless number of times that the phone has been dropped by ME...yes my recklessness.Sometimes it doesn't detect any signal and keep on saying EMERGENCY CALL ONLY!!!But what i'm really sad about is that all the memories that i stored in the phone are gone...music can be re-downloaded...pictures...luckily i have backed up except for the new ones...videos-nothing that i would miss... but.PHONE NUMBERS.GONE.recordings of conversation with my friends..Priceless...the most unforgettable recording would be when my friend and i sang duet of various songs during our conversation...That was the night before we were about to go back to our respective college and university..but now everything is vanished...i mean the files...the memories are still kept deep in my mind...Will be cherished and treasured for the rest of my life...eceh..insha' Allah.
So what really happened was......
I had a chemistry replacement class for Chinese New Year that morning.From 10-12.After class finished, I went down to help my friends(Azizi and Zul) to print their assignments.Done with everything, we took the lift to go back to our classroom at level 7.Due to my bad,I forgot to press the level 7 button.So the lift went down to level 1...Because of that, I just said to them erm...why not I go back first to change to slippers since im at level 1...So I did...On the way out of the college, I called this one guy because he was supposed to send my HAPPY SIM CARD to my house and he wanted my ic no.So my mom called me to call him back.And I did.He said he was busy and will call me back later...Then,I continued my stroll heading to Centre Point.I was already at the road divider, ready to get to the other side of the road when suddenly someone called me from behind...
At that time,I know something was fishy but the good Samaritan in me somehow clouded my instinct that something was not right.So i decided to approach that guy.He was driving a blue VOLVO....and dressed up in a smart long sleeves light blue shirt..looked and sounded educated..His English was really good too...Seriously..he looked so educated!!!
The conversation was like this...
Nabeyl yg baek hati: Yes.I'm local.
Arschloch guy: I dunno how to get there.So i just exit into Damansara.Is Ampang Jaya far from here?Do you know the way?
Nabeyl yg baek hati: Erm.Im not so sure.Do you know the way to Bangsar?
Arschloch guy:Nope.I'm from Penang.This is my first time here.I came here to meet my friend in Ampang Jaya.I tried to call him but my battery is low.
Nabeyl yang baek hati: Erm actually im not that good with directions.Im not from here.Im from Subang Jaya.I'm studying at Kbu.
Arschloch guy: Owh.Just now I passed by the Subang Jaya sign board.It is not close to Ampang Jaya right?
Nabeyl yg baek hati: Nope.Ampang Jaya is in KL.Let me think...U can take NPE....but...from here...
Arschloch guy: Do you know the nearest public phone?
Nabeyl yg baek hati: Haha.Im not so sure.Should be here somewhere.
Arschloch guy: Careful.The cars are fast!( I was like in the middle of the road-to the left a bit la...but cars were moving fast behind me)So i moved closer to his car.
Arschloch guy: Erm could you please maybe send my friend a message saying im here in Damansara and that im lost.
Nabeyl yg baek hati: Yep.Hold on.(I took out my phone)(Stupid of me) (Opening my phone slowly)
Nabeyl yg baek hati: (ready to type the message)
Arschloch guy:(He took out his friend's card) Kamarulzaman lagi nama.Probably I should just make a short call?May I?
Nabeyl yg baek hati: Yes.
I noe..I noe..Why was I so stupid to give him my phone.But he was really convincing...Sangat!!!
I seriously believed he was in trouble and needed my help.
Calling his friend...
Arschloch guy: Hello bang.Saya kat Damansara nie.
Nabeyl yang baek hati: Bandar Utama..
Arschloch guy: Erm Bandar Utama.Im lost.I dunno the way to get to your place.My battery is low.Its that far??!!Owh really..But i really dunno how to get to Ampang Jaya.Erm bang, I'm actually using this one gentleman's phone.Could you please call me back at this no....yes2..at this no...
Arschloch guy: I'm waiting for his call.(holding my phone)
Nabeyl yang baek hati: Okie.
We were having friendly talk while waiting for the call..Like OMG seriously this guy can act.
I believed everything he said.I was like charmed with the acting he put up....
Arschloch guy: Erm..Its dangerous for u to be standing there.Why not I pull my car to the left.
Nabeyl yg baek hati: Okie(moving to the front of the car)
Suddenly, he just took off...nearly going to hit me..I shouted to my two colleagues who had just arrived.PHONE AKU KENA CURI!!!!I ran whole-heartedly to catch the speeding car..Needless to say, it was just impossible...I gave up..Ran back to my friends asking them for the maxis helping line no.I need to block my line straight away. My credit limit is quite high.. I cannot risk him using all my credit...Sad to say, none of us remember the maxis helping line no..Luckily Azizi, Zul and Hakeem were walking passing by us.I immediately said my phone got stolen and i need to cancel my line NOW.Finally i got through maxis...but the girl said sorry sir but u got the wrong dept.I asked her whether she can direct me to the respective dept.She said u can dial this no...bla3...So i dialed the no and get through to this one Chinese guy..He was really helpful...he suspended the line right away.Thank God!!!But he did tell me that i will be charged rm 25 for the replacement sim card and rm 10 for unblocking the no....sigh
Thinking back all the things that could have change this incidence is just hopeless.There is nothing that can be done to change it.What is meant to be is meant to be..RIGHT???
"The less said about life's sores the better"

The phone that got snatched
Back to Basics....
Dear Anak Ku.
ReplyDeleteI am still reeling with anger to the 'good-for-tipuying' guy who did this to you....
May he be damned with all the hand phones dangling on both his ears for a thousand years, and may his earwax come out non stop whenever he tried to use any of those hand phones that he stole, and may his lips 'bengkak' like the mouth of a monkey whenever he makes any call....and may his nose grow longer & longer when he tries to 'teepoo' youngsters, 'oldsters' or any 'sters' again...hik..hik..hik!!
So, my advice... maybe you may want to carry a dummy phone (get one or buy one from the phone shop) so that whenever any one tries to wickedly talk you into lending your cell phone to them, give that DUMMY CELL PHONE to him eagerly... at least that will give you some consolation and maybe a good laugh too...hahaha!!
But seriously, I pray & hope that you will not have to go thru' such experience again.
- Ayah